CCDR-LVT – Document and Process Management

The CCDR-LVT (Comissão de Coordenação e Desenvolvimento Regional - Lisboa e Vale do Tejo) is one of the 5 CCDRs, which are decentralized services of the Central Administration of the State, endowed with administrative and financial autonomy, charged with the execution of measures for the development of the respective regions, such as the management of community funds.

Established in 1969, it was characterized by an advisory and monitoring dimension of regional development plans, and in 1974 extended its support to local authorities.

Gradually, it extends its competencies to the management of national, community and cooperation financial programs, to the areas of urban planning, land use planning and environment, to the areas of regional planning and development, environment, land use planning, nature conservation and biodiversity, and support to local authorities.

Recently in Nov 2022 the Government approves the transfer of competencies of State regional services to the Commissions of Coordination and Regional Development (CCDR). The Minister for Territorial Cohesion – Ana Abrunhosa explained that this process aims to “strengthen the role” of CCDR, allowing “a State better coordinated and closer to the regions”, which will be reflected “in a better public service to companies, citizens and institutions”.

“From then on we will have stronger CCDRs, better able to plan the territory, to promote regional development and cohesion. And above all, with the means to intervene in different areas,” stressed the Minister.

Document management and dematerialization of processes

The result of the merger of several bodies, with a geographical dispersion by 7 physical locations, CCDR-LVT is known for its efficient operating model and technological proficiency, but still had some difficulty in the processing of documents and the lack of uniformity of working methods.

In order to increase administrative efficiency and centralize all information produced and received in a single repository, while reducing the circulation of paper in the organization, CCDR-LVT implemented Filedoc Document and Process Management solution.

The project involved a set of definitions and changes to their work processes, a prerequisite for the implementation of a successful solution well suited to the model of the organization, as well as several integrations were made of Filedoc solution with pre-existing systems essential to the activity of the organization, including:

  • Environmental Impact Assessments, Environmental Licensing and Planning Processes;
  • Fines (administrative offence processes);
  • Geo referencing of wastewater processes (sewage and boreholes) through integration with an internal software;
  • Integration with the Citizen’s Digital Counter – Outsystems software;
  • Attendance management – Sisqual software;
  • Financial Documentation, Accounting, issuing of guides – ERP Quidgest software;
  • Assets, Inventory, procurement and contracts – ERP Quidgest software.

The project’s objectives were completely achieved, to the full satisfaction of CCDR-LVT’s Administration.

Given the potential of the Filedoc application, the Administration decided to extend its scope to other areas of activity, including

  • Human Resources Management;
  • Management of internal documents and dispatches through the use of digital signature;
  • Claims management.

According to João Mourão – Filedoc Software COO – “this project was particularly relevant for us, and the whole team is very satisfied with our contribution so that the CCRD-LVT becomes more capable in its mission of providing a good public service to companies, citizens and institutions”.

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